Over 25 years of national and international expertise

Quality – speed – proximity

From « lucrative » to non-profit

From private individuals to multinationals

Accounting and fiscal advice

The Roquet Fiduciary in a few words

  • an accounting and tax consulting firm, founded by François-Xavier Roquet, master in economics and fiscal management and chartered accountant and I.E.C. tax consultant, with over 25 years of experience in Belgian and international taxation and accounting organization for companies,
  • 20 very loyal professionals, both young and experienced, including many tax accountants recognized by the I.P.C.F., chartered accountants and tax consultants approved by the I.E.C.,
  • a full-on service, rigorous, of quality and proximity, but also sharp and straight to the point advice, based on the most recent legal developments and with the diligence of a good householder and of course, a service offer equipped with the latest tools in terms of communication, management, digitalisation and dematerialization of the accounting and financial environment of companies,
  • three offices in three central regions, in Brussels (Woluwe-Saint-Pierre), Charleroi (Couillet) and Namur (Erpent), covering the whole of Wallonia as well as Brussels and its periphery, both French-speaking and Dutch-speaking,
  • and last but not least, with one goal: your tax and accounting « peace of mind», and one single concern: YOU!

Our mission

Our mission is first and foremost to help you with your concerns and questions, listen to you and understand you.

Then, it is up to us to explain step by step the ins and outs of the solutions available to you and to advise you judiciously and directly on the choices that have to be made.

Finally, the moment is there to « take action » and implement « the » solution you have chosen on the short, medium and long term and accompany you in all serenity throughout this beautiful and long adventure …

Launching an activity and creating companies and A(I)SBL

You’re thinking about becoming self-employed, you have heard about « SRL », you want to create an A(I)SBL but you’re not sure because a lot of people are giving you « tips and advice »… First of all you want to know if it’s interesting to start up a company and then you want to know more about the tax and social costs, the risks for your « private » life (legacy…), and more generally, the procedure, the legal steps, the launching costs and the recurrent ones, but also how to get out at the end of course, happy or unhappy. You also want guidance throughout your administrative procedures. Clear and precise advice is what you need, and that is exactly what we provide …

Tax assistance

You are a private individual, an annuitant, a non-Belgian resident or self-employed, you manage a company, SME or subsidiary of a group, you have an A(I)SBL or a foundation and you wish to entrust a professional with your recurring fiscal, parafiscal and social tasks (VAT, Intrastat, tax declarations, Statbel surveys, social contributions, subsidies, …) to be sure the these formalities are handled correctly and within the legal deadlines so you can sleep on both ears. Or more periodically, you want a second opinion because you wonder if you’re meeting all your tax obligations, if you are « in the clear », or because you have a tax audit and the tax authorities want you to pay extra taxes. In other words: you can use some tax assistance, and we are there to provide it.

Accounting assistance – NEW: DEMATERIALIZATION

You don’t know if you will do your own accounting or if you will hire a company, you want to save time, you want to externalize or internalize using analytics, you have heard about the dematerialization of accounting and « CODAS », you thought about generating your invoices digitally and « sending » them automatically in your accounting software and to your customers. You would like to reduce your accounting costs but by agreeing to take on some of the work yourself while having online access to your accounting and to clear and synthetic dashboards. We have developed an expertise in this area and have the latest tools at the cutting edge of technology to help you. Contact us!


This is without a doubt our biggest strength and a considerable added value for your business! Whether you are a natural person, a company or an association, we are constantly seeking to advise you on the optimization of your overall tax situation and searching for « the least taxed way ». Whether between you and your company or association or within your company or association, for example in the context of determining the « package » of your remuneration, deductible costs or not, benefits in kind, copyrights, dividends, the « liquidation reserve » but also the more « special » organization (dismemberment, holding, stock option, patents, etc.) and reorganization (Belgian and cross-border merger, liquidation, …) operations. Our expertise and experience in taxation, also international, remain our best asset at this level. Contact us!


Our mission is also to assist you and your accountant in the reorganization operations that the law reserve for chartered accountants certified by the I.E.C, particularly in the areas of transformation, liquidation and merger. If you are our client, we cannot deal with this ourselves for ethical reasons, but we accompany you step by step during this process and call on our independent partners, auditors, lawyers and notaries. In addition, we can also set up regular « tailor-made » financial monitoring (reporting, budget, situations) and guide you by producing detailed financial reports (EBITDA, cash flow, etc.). Again, the tools we use for your accounting are much more advanced and already offer many ready-made solutions.


We want to draw your attention to the various legal aspects and juridical consequences of the professional and organizational choices of your company or companies and their impact on your private life and that of your close ones, particularly in the context of our accounting missions. That’s why we also advise you in the field of corporate law and social law so you’re sure to make the right choice based on your situation (family expenses, marriage contract, …) and your personal wealth (shares, real estate , …) or that of your company or companies (social organization, subsidiary, branch, …), in close collaboration with your financial advisers, insurers, lawyers and notaries. As soon as a « sensitive subject » is detected, we will share it unequivocally and you will then decide what to do next!

Our offices

Three offices, but one team, with the same state of mind, and one single way of working and serving you!


City of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
(south-east of Brussels)


City of Couillet
(south-east of Charleroi)


City of Erpent
(south of Namur)


Bien qu’en croissance depuis de longues années, la Fiduciaire Roquet a gardé la mentalité d’une petite société familiale, où on n’a pas l’impression d’être un numéro, où le patron reste au courant des dossiers, même si pour le day-to-day, c’est un collaborateur qui s’en charge. La rigueur de travail, la prudence de comptabilisation, fait que certes, on déclare parfois plus que souhaité, mais on est tranquille. Si Mr. Roquet accepte, c’est qu’il est prêt à défendre.

David Douenias

Gérant, DCT sprl

En tant que chargée de cours dans la Section Comptabilité à l’Henallux, la collaboration avec la fiduciaire Roquet se passe toujours de manière fructueuse tant au niveau de conseils personnels dans le cadre des cours enseignés que dans le cadre des stages d’étudiants et même de l’engagement de nos étudiants comme futurs collaborateurs

Anne Rinchard

Chargée de Cours à la Haute Ecole Henallux

I can and would highly recommend the Fiduciaire Roquet to any friend. They helped us pragmatically and competently in any situation, building-up an Association in Brussels and consulting us over the years. Whenever legal questions were to be explained to our members during our General Assemblies, Mr Roquet showed that he is not only a legal expert in his field, but able to explain complex issues comprehensively to anyone – by the way with charm and humor. We are grateful for the support of the Fiduciaire Roquet

Pour moi, un lien particulier existe entre nos deux entreprises. Nous sommes clients depuis le premier jour. A l’époque mes parents géraient l’affaire. La stratégie comptable prônée par Mr Roquet ne tient pas dans l’exotisme de solutions à l’emporte-pièce qui finissent par vous revenir comme un boomerang lors de contrôles ou de changement de législation. L’analyse du cadre légal et les perspectives d’évolutions de la règle fiscale sont scrupuleusement prises en considération. Les très rares contrôles et les résultats des contrôles en sont la preuve. Nous avons développé une relation très sympathique avec la collaboratrice de la Fiduciaire Roquet qui vient chaque mois au bureau pour préparer la TVA.

Christian Donath

Managing Director ECO PLATFORM AISBL

Read more testimonials

Social network


Un plaisir d’aider Monsieur De Laveleye depuis de nombreuses années 👍

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Même les super-héros (de la comptabilité) ont besoin de prendre une pause de temps en temps… 😁 Un intrus du bureau de Charleroi s’est glissé sur la photo ! 🧐

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François-Xavier Roquet : “The Right Move, c’est le “right” partenaire, comme client et comme fournisseur ! 🤝 D’un côté, un ami de 30 ans, « patron sur chantier » comme moi, qui nous fait une…

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💬 Alain Pierrard, collaborateur de la Team Roquet d’Erpent : “La collaboration est très intéressante avec Mme Baire et l’AISBL Construction Products Europe ! Ils sont clients depuis une dizaine d’année et la communication fut toujours…

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Rencontrez François-Xavier Roquet, le Boss de la Team Roquet, ici accompagné de son fidèle bras droit, Niño, source de nombreux conseils avisés (quand il ne dort pas profondément à côté de son cher maitre 😝)…

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Bienvenue à Fabian Doumont, nouveau membre comptable de la Team roquet de Charleroi ! 📝🥳   💬 « Pour la petite histoire, j’ai toujours été attiré par la comptabilité mais à la suite d’un mauvais choix…

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💬📌 François-Xavier Roquet, Associé-gérant : “Décrocher l’appel de Madame Semsar est toujours un vrai plaisir tant il est agréable humainement et intellectuellement de débattre avec elle et de la conseiller dans ses nombreux projets. Que…

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Remake de Roméo & Juliette devant notre bureau de Bruxelles (avec le petit Niño que l’on peut apercevoir, qui se languit d’impatience de retrouver son cher maitre)… 🤩🌹 #roquet #fiduciaireroquet #comptable #comptabilite #fiscal #fiscalite #droit…

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Toujours un plaisir d’aider les équipes de DPI SPRL, même après de longues années #roquet #fiduciaireroquet #comptable #comptabilite #fiscal #fiscalite #droit #independant #freelance #societe

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Cette semaine fut l’occasion pour toute la Team Roquet de souhaiter une très bonne retraite bien méritée à Véronique, collaboratrice de longue date du bureau de Charleroi ! 👏 🤝   #roquet #fiduciaireroquet #comptable #comptabilite…

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